Net investment income from each owner’s distinct loss fund and potential profits can accrue to that owner’s bottom line
Freedom from the Conventional
Greater control of your insurance budget through premium stabilization
Committed To Helping You Achieve Your Insurance Goals
Each captive owner appoints a Director of the Company allowing for maximum input into insurance company operations
Control Your Insurance Destiny

The Mission

The mission of MAC Casualty Ltd. is to provide the highest quality insurance protection for its non-related shareholders. By joining together to create a true sharing of risk, the shareholders can control their insurance costs and avoid the volatility of the traditional insurance industry. Additional benefits are created through the stabilization of premiums and the improved management of risk through effective loss control.

The Company

The Company, through the active participation of its shareholders, provides the long-term security of a well-managed insurance company. To meet this goal, only those providers of services that can meet the highest standards of excellence are associated with MAC Casualty Ltd.

The Philosophy

The philosophy of MAC Casualty Ltd. emphasizes that insurance is a manageable cost. Through the understanding of insurance as a business, MAC Casualty Ltd. shareholders have unveiled the mystique of the insurance industry and the indiscriminate way in which costs are determined. Through ownership in MAC Casualty Ltd., shareholders have indeed taken control of their insurance destiny.

Quick Statistics

1. As of 2/28/23.
2. As of 3/1/24. Number includes active members only.
3. As of 8/31/23. Dividends paid on a formula basis that take individual loss experience into account, not on a per share basis.


Our participation and ownership in MAC Casualty Ltd. has far exceeded the expectations and desires that we had about group captive insurance. From overall lower costs, predictable premiums and returned dividends, to safety education, best practices, and member to member safety focus, we have discovered an invaluable asset that compliments and enhances our company's risk management. The organization, its members, and network of excellent service providers is a remarkable and highly successful business that we are extremely proud to be a part of.

-- Member Since 2007

Our company is committed to providing safe and environmentally friendly building solutions to its customers. That journey begins in Operations where the company is dedicated to implementing safe material handling alongside efficient low impact automated processing. A safety culture permeates the organization, and continuous safety improvement is a mandate. Our participation in MAC Casualty and our adoption of best practices as recommended by Gallagher Bassett has furthered our safety mission, thereby augmenting a natural alignment of interest between the company and its employees. This top down and bottom up approach to safety serves to continuously improve our work environment and the lives of all of our stakeholders.

-- Member Since 2015

As a founding member of MAC, we are thrilled that MAC continues to be relevant as well as a creative alternative to the traditional insurance market. The basic premise of controlling our own insurance destiny creates a Company where we can reduce costs, control unpredictable risks, and increase cash flow. Captives continue to be a more practical and popular means through which companies can protect themselves financially. MAC, for its part, has the combined strength of a soundly structured program, expert counseled leadership and a strong history of results to establish us in a position of strength among Captive organizations.

We continue to grow and prosper, it just makes sense!

-- Member Since 1997

As a long term retailer and shopping center owner, safety and risk management have always been an important facet of our business. Workers’ Compensation and general liability costs represent a significant portion of our company’s insurance coverage and we had always been covered by traditional carriers.

In 2014, we were introduced by our broker to the "captive insurance" concept and were fortunate to qualify and join MAC Casualty Ltd. The focus on safety among like-minded companies in very diverse industries and the sharing of ideas among other owner members has been very valuable. MAC’s risk control workshops, board meetings, the annual risk control scorecard, the webinars, and other training materials contribute to the "continuous improvement" mentality.

We are extremely proud of our association with MAC Casualty Ltd., its members, service providers, and consider our becoming a member, one of the best business decisions we could have made for our organization.

-- Member Since 2014

Our company has been a member-owner of MAC since 2001. I can honestly say that being part of the captive has been one of the best business decisions we have made as a company. We had always strived to have a safe working environment but never really saw the benefit financially until we joined MAC. Now we can analyze all our costs associated with our risk management program and tie everything together so our associates understand our goals and objectives. It is definitely not only an insurance program but a corporate risk management program in partnership with other owners of like philosophies. The resources and expertise MAC brings to our company are invaluable.

-- Member Since 2001